Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Trendy Outing

The Contact Photography Festival is on all month in Toronto. I went to the Magnum Photos lecture at The Underground in The Drake hotel last night.

Overheard before the lecture: Girl to friend, "I was rolling around in the dirt and a drunk guy with a scabby lip tried to kiss me, but I still couldn't find a picture!"

Man, I've been hanging around with the wrong crowd! Because, that sure sounds like a picture to me!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fourteen Inches

It's not very big. It's enough to make do. At least it's colour. But there's no remote, so I have to go to the set to change channels. And because it's one of those, I only get channels two through thirteen. One of them is the TV listings channel. Two are French. One is a local cable channel. So, what I'm saying is, it's a TV no man's land. I can't even get Lost. It's on channels 18 and 20. Don't get them. Argh! Something must be done!